(PMTCT) Prevention of mother to child on HIV/AIDS

2018 World AIDS DAY theme : Know your status…


About 36.9 million people in our world today are living with HIV/AIDS, with Nigeria contributing about 3.5 million to this figure. It is no longer news that HIV/AIDS is a respecter of no race, gender, age, social class or person. There is a higher rate of infection in rural areas (about 4%) as against urban areas. This may be ascribed to the perceived knowledge gap existing between residents of urban areas and rural areas. HIV.gov reported that globally, there were about 5,000 new cases per day in 2017. This figure is clearly high and should spur us action. Although more people now regularly check their status, we still need to do more in terms of increasing awareness and evoking positive responses by people towards the prevention and elimination of HIV/AIDS.

While fighting this dreaded diseases, we should be careful enough not to stigmatize or fight victims (people living with the virus). We should encourage them to regularly take the medication which not only reduces the cell load of the virus, but also helps them live healthier and longer lives.

Researchers are actively working toward finding a CURE for HIV/AIDS, we should therefore do our part by getting tested regularly (every 3 months) to know our status, telling someone about HIV/AIDS and the ways to prevent it and by AVOIDING STIGMIZATION .

#Dec1st #World_AIDS_Day#Know_Your_Status