Alzheimers awareness; some alzheimer's facts


By Abanobi Nkachukwu. N

Identified in 1906 by German physician Dr. Alois Alzheimer, he described "a peculiar disease, one of profound memory loss and microscopic brain changes’’. Research shows that Alzheimer’s induced changes begin in the part of the brain that affects learning (Alzheimer’s Association, n.d), and the earliest and most common symptom is difficulty remembering newly learned information, which progresses to severe symptoms like:

  • Disorientation,
  • Behavior changes,
  • Deepening confusion.

With the exception of genetic abnormalities, it develops as a result of multiple factors rather than a single cause. Further, evidence collected from a population-based prospective study showed an existence between regular physical activity paired with management of cardiovascular risk factors (diabetes, obesity, and hypertension), and reduction in the risk of cognitive decline & dementia (Alzheimer’s Association, 2018).

Here are some need-to-know facts from the Alzheimer’s Association:

  • Alzheimer’s disease is not dementia, rather it causes dementia;

  • Alzhiemers begins 20 years or more before symptoms arise;

  • This disease accounts for 60-80% of dementia cases;

  • The recognized age for late onset of alzhiemers is from 65 years, and early/young onset (occuring at an age) is still possible;

  • People with young-onset Alzheimer’s can either be in the early, middle or late stage;

  • A person with Alzheimer’s lives as long as 20 years, this depends on other factors;

  • Currently there are care facilities for Alzheimer’s patients;

  • Clinical trials are still being conducted to identify a remedy and prevention strategy for alzhiemers.

After reading all this, without taking a second look, can you remember what you read?

Try again after an hour.


Well done @Nkachukwu. This is a great write up